Ride sharing
Ride sharing (also called ride pooling) allows users to make individual trip requests. The trip requests include a time, a place, as well as comfort-related conditions. The operator then weighs the trip request against the optimization of his operating costs. In any case, it only provides the transport requested.
Optimizing transport performance without a timetable based on lines is a dispatching or tour planning problem. In addition to the dynamic supply, it is atypical for a macroscopic model that is not sufficient to model the demand down to zone and time-slice level. For a realistic representation of the planning problem, modeling at node and time level is necessary.
Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find examples of use on this topic. The Ride Sharing example shows the modeling of supply and demand of a unimodal ride sharing system. In addition to explanations of the settings and results, it provides background information for a better understanding of the required work steps. The Demand Ride Sharing example describes the integration of a ride sharing mode into an existing demand model. |